TRYOUT POLICY - Adopted March 19 2024

Cambridge Minor Baseball Association (CMBA) follows the below processes with regarding to our tryouts for our travel teams.



• Players will be required to register on the CMBA website for tryouts, registration is online only
• The timing of tryout registration will be communicated to current CMBA players as well as the broader community via our messaging system and social media channels
• The anticipated teams for the upcoming season will be advertised at the time tryout registration opens; however, CMBA reserves the right to make adjustments based on numbers and coach availability
• In an attempt to reduce financial barriers for families wishing to participate in our travel baseball programming, there is no cost to tryout for our teams



• The head coach is responsible for arranging evaluators for their tryouts; it is expected that the evaluators be unbiased without a conflict of interest
• Coaches are permitted to choose to have current players sit out the first evaluation in order to concentrate on new players
• All players at 10U and older should be prepared to throw a bullpen
• CMBA expects coaches to utilize a variety of evaluative strategies including but not limited to:

o Metrics
o Stations on the diamond / Stations in the outfield
o Batting
o Bullpen area
o Player interaction
o Intersquad Game (split participants)
o Exhibition Game (against another tryout roster)


• All players wishing to try out for travel baseball must register and tryout for the Tier 1 team first, including players wishing to play Tier 2. The Tier 1 coach has the first right to selection of a player looking for a spot on a travel team.
• All players must attend at least one tryout, no exceptions
• Players may be removed from consideration from the Tier 1 coach after the first tryout
• Players attending tryouts from another centre must first supply a release from their local association before being permitted to attend tryouts
• All players not selected for the Tier 1 team will be eligible to tryout for the Tier 2 team (numbers permitting)
• Only CMBA scheduled/approved tryouts are permitted; any changes or additions to the tryout schedule must be approved by the VP Travel



• Coaches are permitted to roster up to 6 selections on Day 1 of tryouts and additional 3 selections on Day 2 of tryouts (for a total of 9 players). Final selections cannot be made until the final day of tryouts
• A minimum of 12 players will be rostered on each team. Any request to increase or decrease this number will need to be made, in writing, to the VP of Travel
• The suggested roster numbers are as follows:

o 8U & 9U – 12 Players
o 10U-11U – 13 Players
o 12U-13U – 14-15 Players
o 14U & Up – 15+ players

• Any player who is being released from the Tier 1 coach must thank the player for trying out and provide relevant positive and constructive feedback as well as discuss other potential levels of play or opportunities for development within CMBA
• Final Tier 1 selections must be made within 72 hours following the final tryout and submitted to the VP of travel prior to the Tier 2 tryouts commencing so the Tier 2 coach can be provided with a list of participants
• All players and parents at all levels must sign the Intent to Play form for their roster spot to be valid
• Once the roster has been submitted to CMBA, any roster additions or deletions must be approved by the VP of travel