Player Movement Policy - Revised March 11 2024
Cambridge Minor Baseball is supportive of players electing to try out for any team roster at their respective birth year, or one birth year older.
Players must indicate to CMBA in writing their intention to try out for the birth year higher, a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the commencement of tryouts so this can be communicated to the coaches of both age groups.
If only trying out for their respective birth year, no action is required other than to register for tryouts.
Players electing to try out for the birth year higher must attend the tryouts both at their respective birth year as well as at the birth year higher wherever possible (for example, no conflict exists). If there is a scheduling conflict, they may attend the tryouts at the birth year higher until such a time as they are released or signed. If released or if they elect not to accept a roster spot to the birth year higher, they shall then continue to attend tryouts at their birth year.
For example, if a player is 9U based on their birth year, they may apply to play for 10U.
Intent to tryout at the age group higher, must submit their intent, in writing, no later than 2 weeks prior to the commencement of tryouts. An email can be sent to
The email should include the player’s name, date of birth, current team (if applicable), and which divisions the player intends to try out for.
Ultimately it is at the discretion of the VP of travel and the CMBA board to limit players applying to play at a higher age division.
CMBA reserves the right to refuse a request to play at a higher age division depending on registration and tryout numbers.