Cambridge Minor Baseball Association (CMBA) is committed to providing a safe environment for our members and participants, free from harassment of any form. This is critical to providing safety throughout our program and within our community.
CMBA considers any type of abuse and harassment unacceptable and has ZERO tolerance of bullying, harassment, and abuse throughout the association in all activities and programs. All members of the association will be held accountable and uphold this commitment, including the players.
- This policy is applicable to all members of CMBA as defined in the definitions section below.
- Forms of bullying, harassment, and abuse may occur during, but is not limited to:
- Baseball games, tournaments, practices, training sessions, and other baseball-related activities
- Team/association gatherings (team dinners, meeting, conferences, award ceremonies, workshops, clinics)
- Travel related to the team/association
- Any communication via phone, email, text message, website, social media, etc.
- Any individual that experiences or is a witness to bullying, harassment, and/or abuse reserves the right to obtain assistance from CMBA.
- CMBA recognizes that any false claims of bullying/harassment/abuse can be damaging to a person’s reputation and career and false accusations resulting in unnecessary use of resources of the association will be subject to potential penalties and/or suspensions.
- CMBA also recognizes that harassment is a form of discrimination and is prohibited and protected by the Canadian Human Rights Act. Harassment/discrimination is offensive, degrading, and may be threatening in nature. In extreme circumstances, harassment can be considered an offense under Canada’s criminal code.
- Any reports of bullying, abuse, harassment or discrimination will be taken seriously and investigated by CMBA
- Where indicated, CMBA will notify the appropriate authorities
- Activities
- Baseball and association related events – comprehensive list noted above
- Bullying
- Any form of abuse at the hands of peers can come in different forms at different ages. Bullying is defined as the intent to harm, intimidate, or coerce someone perceived to be vulnerable including the hurtful mistreatment of another person.
- Bullying is offensive cruel, intimating, insulting and humiliating behavior. When combined with the misuse of power, it can be physical or verbal, direct or indirect.
- Harassment
- Unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome conduct including gestures, or comments which are insulting, intimidating, humiliating, hurtful, degrading or otherwise offensive to an individual or group of individuals
- This creates a hostile or intimidating environment for sports and negatively affects performance in sporting activities
- Can manifest in various forms and delivered in different ways such as verbal, physical, sexual, cyber, direct, and indirect contact
- Discrimination
- The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of ethnicity, age, sex, disability, creed/religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or marital status, ancestry, etc.
- Members
- All individuals who are involved either directly or indirectly in our association including but not limited to:
- Volunteers
- Coaches
- All individuals who are involved either directly or indirectly in our association including but not limited to:
- Players
- Officials
- Parents
- Spectators
- Staff
- Board Members
- Sponsors/Donors
- This policy is applicable to all members as defined above
To ensure fair and equitable resolution of all disputes and disciplinary matters CMBA by following a consistent and structed approach to dispute and disciplinary matters.
- All formal complaints must be submitted in writing via the online contact and feedback form to be considered by CMBA representatives.
- The online link can be located here: INSERT LINK
- Anonymous feedback will not be considered.
- For the purposes of resolution, complaints will be sorted into the following categories:
- Financial (fees, registrations, refunds, credits)
- Baseball Operations (coaching, tryouts, training, parent/spectator issues, etc.)
- Association Operations (swag, TeamSnap, communications, social media, volunteers, etc.)
- A dispute resolution team will be assigned to the complaint for investigation and an initial reply will be sent within 48 hours.
- The assigned team will collect all pertinent information from the complainant either through a hearing or via written request.
- All parent complaints should be first directed to a parent rep where applicable (travel teams); teams are encouraged to select a parent rep once the roster is finalized.
- If, after discussion with the parent rep, further escalation is required, the parent rep will reach out to CMBA and will be included in the resolution team.
- The CMBA bylaws, policies, procedures, and Code of Conduct will be the point of reference for all decisions.
Dispute Resolution Teams
For any financial complaints, the dispute resolution team will be made up of the following:
- Treasurer
- 1 of President or EVP
- Secretary
- 1 other board member
For any baseball operations complaints, the dispute resolution team will be made up of the following:
- 1 of President or EVP
- Secretary
- 2 other board members
- Parent Rep (if a parent complaint of a travel team)
For any association operations complaints, the dispute resolution team will be made up of the following:
- 1 of President or EVP
- Secretary
- 2 other board members
Appeals Committee
After a decision is rendered, should the complainant wish to appeal the decision, the appeals committee shall be comprised of the following:
- President or EVP (whichever was not involved in the initial review)
- 3 alternate board members
All decisions after appeal will be final, there shall be no further opportunity for appeal.
Step 1 – Initial Complaint
- The initial concern is presented to CMBA
- The concern should be submitted in writing for documentation purposes, keep a record of all incidents, interactions, names, conversations, etc. and include all locations, potential witnesses, and any other information that may be relevant
- Depending on the concern raised (harassment, bullying, etc.) – the perpetrator will be advised that their conduct is unacceptable and requested to refrain from continuing the unwanted behaviour
- If the perpetrator is asked to stop and does not comply – remove yourself and seek a safe environment and report it immediately to the coach, a parent, CMBA, etc.
Step 2 – Non-Compliance
- Contact the CMBA board of directors with all documentation and notes
- Any complaint received by CMBA will be kept strictly confidential between the complainant and the CMBA Board of Directors
- The prescribed committee will review the complaint and begin their resolution process
- An interview will be scheduled with the complainant (and the perpetrator where instances dictate)
- Where necessary, mediation and discussion shall occur
- Post-investigation, the committee will put forth their suggestions for resolution and/or disciplinary actions
Step 3 – Documentation
- No documentation shall be put into the complainants file when the complaint was filed in good faith, even if there was not a finding of bullying, harassment, discrimination, etc.
- If a finding of bullying, harassment, or discrimination is found to be substantiated – CMBA will keep a record of this in relation to the perpetrator
- If a finding of bullying, harassment, or discrimination is found not be substantiated – CMBA will not keep a record of this in relation to the accused perpetrator
- If it is found that a complaint was put forward, not in good faith – CMBA will keep a record of this in relation to the complainant
Disciplinary action can include, but is not limited to the following:
- Temporary suspension from CMBA related activities or events
- Permanent suspension from CMBA related activities or events
- Legal action if required by virtue of the complaint