Board of Directors – Positions and Descriptions

The CMBA Board of Directors is comprised of Executive Directors and General Directors. It is made up of Executive Directors who are elected to their positions and Appointed directors.

Executive Directors

The Executive Directors of CMBA are as follows:


The President shall chair meetings of the Directors with the usual privileges of the office. The President shall have the power to enforce the rules of the Corporation and penalize any team, coach, player or parent for any infraction of the same.

Executive Vice President:

The Executive Vice President shall work with the President in directing the operations of the Corporation. The Executive Vice President shall perform the duties of the President when the President is unable to do so as well as such duties which are assigned by the President.

Vice President, House League Operations:

The Vice President, House League Operations shall be responsible for the overall operation of the House League program and the Select League program including the supervision of the Player and Coach Development Director.

Vice President, Travel League Operations:

The Vice President, Travel League shall be responsible for the overall operation of the Travel League program including the supervision of the EBLO Director and Player and Coach Development Director.


The Secretary shall keep accurate records and minutes of all meetings of the Corporation, distribute them to all Board members and store them within a secure location. The Secretary will give notice of the Annual General Meeting to all Members by email or letter 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Secretary shall have the authority to cooperate with the President in managing the affairs of the Corporation in accordance with the Corporation’s bylaws, policies, procedures or protocols.


The Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall pay all of the Corporation’s expenses with co-signature by a second member of the Executive. The Treasurer shall prepare annual budgets for approval by the Board. All the Corporation’s funds shall be deposited at a chartered bank or trust company. Complete financial records and vouchers shall be maintained. The Treasurer will coordinate the review of the annual financial statement to be presented at the Annual General Meeting and coordinate other filing requirements as necessary.


Appointed Directors

Director, Junior House League Reporting to and in collaboration with the VP, House League Operations, the Director, Junior House League is responsible for the planning, organization and operation of the Junior House League program. This shall include team formation, game/practice schedules, equipment and uniform distribution and collection, and Day of Champions among other things

Director, Senior House League Reporting to and in collaboration with the VP, House League Operations, the Director, Senior House League is responsible for the planning, organization and operation of the Senior House League program. This shall include team formation, game/practice schedules, equipment and uniform distribution and collection, and Day of Champions among other things.

Director, Select Reporting to and in collaboration with the VP, House League Operations, the Director, Select is responsible for the planning, organization and operation of the Select program. This shall include coordination of tryouts, coach selection and serving as CMBA’s ICBA Select Rep among other things

Director, EBLO Reporting to the VP of Travel, the Director of EBLO will be responsible for the oversight of the EBLO program including the planning, organization, and operation of the EBLO program. This shall include the supervision of current EBLO teams, creation and implementation of EBLO programming, recruitment, chairing an EBLO committee (as needed), marketing, and attending EBLO meetings as required on behalf of CMBA and reporting back to the CMBA Board of Directors.

Director, Player and Coach Development Reporting to and in collaboration with the VPs House League and Travel League Operations, the Director, Player & Coach Development shall be responsible for developing, administering and maintaining our player development programs. They will work with the VPs House League and Travel to plan and provide appropriate clinics for the coaches of the House League, Select, and Travel programs, as needed and as determined by the VP House League and VP Travel.

Director, Marketing The Director, Marketing is responsible for CMBA’s online presence and all social media accounts as well as all external branding and logo use in alignment with the association’s branding guidelines. The Director, Marketing shall work to promote and enhance CMBA’s profile and community presence in a positive manner through advertisement, information sharing and education and the publication of association successes and achievements.

Director, Fundraising The Director of Fundraising shall be responsible for overseeing all aspects of fundraising within the Association, including the coordination of Association fundraising and the oversight of Team Fundraising initiatives in alignment with the Association Fundraising and Sponsorship policy.

Director, Sponsorship The Director, Sponsorship shall be responsible for all aspects of association sponsorship including sponsor identification, contracting and relations as well as ensuring the benefits of sponsorship have been met (example - logo on the website, tournament banner, etc.)

Director, Awards The Director, Awards shall Chair the Awards Committee and shall be responsible for the process of soliciting nominations and selecting recipients for CMBA’s annual awards. They shall ensure that CMBA award recipients are submitted as the Association's nominees for the annual ICBA awards. The Director will also be responsible for the implementation, management, recognition, and distribution of the Player of the Week program, ensuring that awards are distributed to the 4 recipients weekly.

Director, Events The Director, Special Events shall be responsible for leading the coordination of any special programs and/or events endorsed by the Board of Directors including but not limited to: participation in the Cambridge Santa Claus parade, Meet the Elite, movie nights, guest speakers, commemorative ceremonies, etc.

House League Convenors House League Convenors shall be responsible for recruiting coaches, preparing team rosters and overseeing the operations of their division.

ICBA Rep This position will be responsible for representing the Corporation at ICBA meetings, as well as be the Corporation’s representative at the Inter County Baseball Association. They will be responsible to vote on behalf of CMBA at the ICBA level and to relay any relevant information back to CMBA from ICBA.

Equipment Manager The Equipment Manager shall be responsible for the budget, purchase, repair, storage, inventory, collection and distribution of Association equipment at the direction and approval of the Executive.

Assignor of Umpires The Assignor of Umpires shall be responsible for assigning umpires for all CMBA sponsored games including house league, travel league and select league for regular season and playoff games, as well as tournaments, ICBA, and OBA series being hosted by CMBA. The Umpire Assignor will work with the umpires to ensure they have undergone the appropriate training and will assist the equipment manager and the Umpire-in-Chief in facilitating the equipment distribution and return to CMBA.

Umpire-in-Chief The Umpire in Chief shall be responsible for the recruitment, selection, education, training and supervision of umpires within the Association. The Umpire-in-Chief will also be responsible for the ordering, maintenance, distribution and storage of all umpire equipment at the direction and approval of the Executive.

Registrar The Registrar shall be responsible for managing online and in-person registrations. The Registrar reports directly to the Treasurer.

Webmaster The Webmaster is responsible for updating the website including the weather status, the appropriate informational materials and notices required by CMBA in order to keep all persons duly informed as requested by the members of the Association.

Tournament Chairperson The Tournament Chairperson shall be responsible for conducting tournaments on behalf of CMBA as deemed fit for any particular season. The tournament Chairperson will have the authority to form a sub-committee for this purpose. The tournament Chairperson will be responsible for the application of CMBA to participate in any tournaments on the direction of the CMBA Board of Directors.

VSC Compliance Director The VSC Compliance Director will report to the VP House League and VP Travel and will be responsible for ensuring that all coaches and volunteers operating with CMBA are in compliance with our Police Check Policy in alignment with the OBA requirements. They will maintain accurate records of the VSC submissions for all coaches, follow up as necessary and inform the VP House League and VP travel of any coaches not in compliance.

City Liaison/Fields Coordinator The City Liaison/Fields Coordinator shall be responsible for all communication/coordination with the City of Cambridge with respect to field permits and shall coordinate/facilitate all field bookings/reservations within CMBA. They shall cooperate with the VP House League Operations and VP Travel League Operations and shall report to the President.

Facility (Cubs Den) Manager The Facility Manager shall be the first point of contact and shall be responsible for the management, communication and coordination of the operations of the CMBA owned and operated training facility. They shall cooperate with the VP Travel League Operations and shall report to the President.